Different options for our on-site medical gas generating and bottling system

Our system can be installed either in a health care centre, an ISO container, a container module or on a base. Furthermore, Ceimsa can also offer tailor-made solutions adapted to your own specific requirements.

Oxygen plant installed in a health care center

Planta instalada en local de un centro sanitario
Planta de generación de oxígeno

Oxygen plant installed on a base

Planta instalada en un bastidor

The complete oxygen generating system can be supplied mounted on two bases: one base for the oxygen generator + air compressor + air treatment with filters, refrigerant dryers and adsorption dryers. By over-sizing the compressor, this medical air can also be supplied to the air network. The other base is for the installation of the air and oxygen tanks, or these could also be supplied separately for installation on the floor of a building. These tanks must have sufficient capacity, based on the air stream produced by the generator and compressor.

Oxygen plants installed in an ISO container

Planta instalada en modulo contenedor
Planta de oxígeno medicinal instalada en modulo contenedor

Oxygen plants installed on a trailer and in a module

Planta instalada en modulo contenedor
Planta de oxígeno medicinal instalada en modulo contenedor


Ceimsa Location Map

Ceimsa S.L.

Poligono Mugazuri 6A
Tel.: + 34 948 13 17 76
Fax: + 34 948 12 44 70

Quality certifications

Quality certifications

Company strategic interest

Company strategic interest, Moderna proyect

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo RegionalEsta entidad ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 50% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 20072013 de Navarra.